Facelifts / Neck lifts

Wrinkles are a natural process of aging and occur when certain hormones lose their effect. Cell regeneration becomes weaker and collagen is broken down in the connective tissue. These natural causes are accelerated by so-called extrinsic factors such as stress, nicotine consumption, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, poor diet, exposure to the sun and tanning booths. The muscular structure becomes slack and lipid deficiency manifests itself: the skin becomes brittle, dry and wrinkled. Skinfolds in the face and cleavage become particularly noticeable and bothersome. Face lifts / Neck lifts can turn the biological clock back a little and help you to look fresh and youthful again.

When performed by a professional surgeon, lifts are particularly long-lasting and can be effective for ten to fifteen years. They cover the following areas: Brow lifts, mid face lifts, temporal lift (temples), neck lifts.

It is not possible to treat all problem areas in a single procedure.


It is important to conduct a detailed interview with the patient before the carrying out any lift procedure. During the course of the interview, before and after simulation is used to show the patient the kind of changes the procedure is likely to bring about. The procedure can be performed under local anaesthetic or, if the patient wishes, under general anaesthetic. Thanks to the so-called short-scar technique, required incisions leave only minimal scars on the ears and are not visible later. After the incisions are made, the skin layer is loosened, the muscle layer is made taut and then fixed with special threads that are subsequently broken down by the body. A lift will take about three to four hours.

A drain is subsequently put in place, so that the wound fluid can flow. Patients will have to wear a tight bandage for at least one day to prevent swelling and bruising and will not be able to work for at least a week.


The extent of bruising and swelling is as one might expect. Healing takes place naturally after a few weeks or months in the same way as for any vascular or nerve-related injuries which are extremely rare. If wounds do not heal well, thickened scars (keloids) may remain, which can be corrected in a follow-up procedure for which there would be no charge. There may be minor infections of the wound which antibiotics can help to resolve quickly and effectively. If the procedure entails any incisions in the scalp, a number of hair follicles may be removed. There are also the usual risks associated with a local or general anaesthetic (cardiovascular problems, intolerance to medication, breathing problems, nausea, vomiting and post-surgical hoarseness).

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